Friday 23 September 2011

Top Ten Natural Beauty Tips

Here are my top ten, tried and tested natural beauty tips ....

To help dry lips and remove dry skin use an old toothbrush to gently exfoliate the lips not only does this remove those horrible flakes that we get, but it also brightens your natural lip colour so no need for lipstick!  If you have dry cracked lips look for a lip balm with almond and e-vitamin in them, they have a long-term, healing effect.

Instead of using hot water when steaming your face, use hot milk. Heat the milk to boiling point, pour into a warm bowl and place a towel over your head for the ultimate steam cleanse. The lactic acid in the milk decongests the pores, leaving your skin beautifully clear.

If you have greasy hair try to avoid oil in your daily food intake and eat more vegetables. To fix at the moment, rub a little Talcum Powder on your dried hair at the roots.

To reduce and stop stretch marks, moisturiser daily with creams that contain vitamin E and cocoa butter as they make the skin smoother and more elastic. Drinking plenty of water to maintaining the skin elasticity, preventing the formation of the stretch marks. Eat foods that promote healthy skin such as zinc-rich foods (oil, fish), vitamin A and C (carrots, citrus, milk), protein (eggs)!

Use brown mascara on your lower lashes rather than black - even if you use black on the top lashes. A lighter colour on the bottom gives your eyes a lift. Also, line the inside of the eyes with a dark brown liner, as, over time, it will smudge into the lashes resulting in a very sexy eye.

Soak your hands and nails in olive oil for a few minutes every week. Olive oil moisturizes your nails without weakening them, and softens your cuticles too. It also prevents "hang nails" that are caused by dry skin.

If you have peeling nails do not file them as this makes the peeling worse, only cut them! 

For naturally curly hair that tends to look frizzy, mix your curling mousse with a hair conditioner and apply it to your hair. This will give a sleeker look and create more controlled curls!

To make yourself look less tired refresh your eyes with 'Dry Eye Drops' and don't take your eyeliner to the outer corners of your eyes but flick it upwards before the outer edges!

After washing your face, rinse in cold water (fair-skinned people should use cool instead of cold) to close the pores and tighten the facial muscles.

Let me know your top beauty tips xx

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